Vocational education can be a lucrative1 opportunity for students looking to learn new skills and secure a job faster. These programmes are incredibly diverse and can help you become an expert in a sp
Throughout history, vocational education has given students hands-on experience to prepare them for employment. Today’s vocational education is a well-developed schooling system which balances class t
Youth unemployment has increased in many industrialized countries following the recent global recession. However, this reflects not only the cyclical shock, but also the crucial role of institutions i
I’ve been on ChatGPT a lot lately and—apparently—I’m not the only one. I’m not actually using it (though I intend to); I’m there to gawk over1 what it can do—and, spoiler2, it goes well beyond3 produc
Wang Hao never doubted his ability to become a skilled welder. 王浩从不怀疑自己成为熟练焊工的能力。 Seven years ago, when he started to learn welding, he experienced an “arc eye,” an inflammation of the cornea cause
The only difference greater than Beijing and Shanghai themselves is the people who live in them. From the locals who grew up there to the expats who have chosen to call those places home, the people t
The two travellers had yarned late in their camp, and the moon was getting low down through the mulga. Mitchell’s mate had just finished a rather racy yarn, but it seemed to fall flat on Mitchell—he w
In rural Suffolk, where I live, frost most commonly arrives in December. In Aviemore, October. In Penzance it might not happen at all. For gardeners and agriculturalists the phenomenon is a blessing a
It’s a familiar feeling for many Americans: checking your bank account after a week of hard work only to wonder, “Where did my money go?” How many times have you told yourself that you really need to
Imagine meeting a stranger at a party. What makes for a successful encounter? Lesson one is to heed the wisdom of a shampoo commercial from the 1980s: you never get a second chance to make a first imp
Despite decades of indoor smoking bans and restrictions, new research from Drexel University suggests the toxins we’ve been trying to keep out are still finding their way into the air inside. Findings
It seems that teen girls want the same things out of life as their adult counterparts. Is that a problem? 少女们想要的生活用品似乎跟成年女性一样。这会是个问题吗? Making the rounds on X last December, was a Christmas list. Ap
This the first of Gustav Klimt’s truly religious paintings, in terms of depicting specific Christian imagery, has a haunting and powerful visual presence with the paradox of its simple rustic charm se
He was just a boy, only 17. Yet in the World Cup final of 1958 Edson Arantes do Nascimento, better known as Pelé, showed the poise1 and supreme skill that would mark his career. As Brazil led Sweden,
Lying is a daily part of life, but how can you identify the liars around you? A psychology professor outlines the top tips. 谎言是日常生活的一部分,但怎样才能识别出身边的说谎者呢?一位心理学教授概述了最重要的技巧。 Whether it’s an innocent whi
2024年甲辰龙年,“龙”的英译又引发了热议。 传统上,“龙”的英文都是dragon,翻遍各种汉英词典,这样的对应关系几乎是唯一的答案,顶多冠以Chinese(中国的),用Chinese dragon(中国龙)来说明龙的属性,确定其文化根源。 汉语拼音是中文罗马字现行的国际标准,把中国的龙音译为long合情合理。初介绍时,long容易让人费解,误以为是英文固有词语的“长”,因此辅以Chines
笔者在审校一本词典的英译时遇到这样一个句子:Pender decided to risk embarrassment and seek help. 原译者译为:“彭德决定冒着尴尬的危险寻求帮助。”粗看译文似乎很忠于原文,语法没有错,理解起来也没有问题。但是仔细琢磨一下,就会觉得“冒着尴尬的危险”有点别扭,因为“尴尬”只是一种窘态,也许是面子上抹不开,甚至达不到《现代汉语词典》定义中所说的“处境困难
这一期我们继续讨论几个抽象名词的翻译。如果说语境在中译英的过程中发挥重要的作用,那么就抽象名词的翻译而言,语境的作用更为重要。文化与语言的差异性在抽象名词方法表现尤其突出,而且抽象名词往往有较强的主观色彩,译者的翻译还需要根据上下文考虑作者的意图,从而选择合适的译文。 1. 气质 根据《现代汉语词典》(第7版)的解释,“气质”指“人的相当稳定的个性特点,如活泼、直爽、沉静、浮躁等。是高级神经活
“Wow! Ouch!” he yelled. He hurriedly placed the trap where the ravens would have easy access to it and swung down to the porch. From the porch he dashed into the kitchen. “哇!哎呦!”查理喊道。查理匆匆忙忙把捕鸟器放到渡鸦容易
初冬时节的长江流域,虽然不像北方万木凋零,但也很难再见到前些天还让游人趋之若潮的银杏叶金黄铺地的胜景。金黄的叶片,让人间平添了不少欢快的气氛,但银杏叶毕竟难耐初冬的寒气,一朝风起,明黄不再,剩下几片,若枯叶蝶2,在枝头随风抖动。此情此景,颇有“夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏”之惑。校园里栽着一些银杏树,叶黄的时候,格外的显眼。随着冬天的临近,逐渐淡出了人们的视野。 The golden landscap
Ken Follett 在因Eye of the Needle 这部小说一举成名之前,1976年还曾经发表过另一部小说Paper Money(《纸币》)。Ken Follett 自己曾经说过,Paper Money是他成名之前发表的几部小说当中,写得最好的一部。后来的事实也证明,这确实是一本十分成功的小说。小说描写上世纪90年代初英国伦敦的社会生活,涉及政府官员、商界、金融界和媒体等各个方面,不乏
顾问委员会(姓氏拼音序为主,下同) 柴明熲 上海外国语大学教授 陈国华 北京外国语大学教授 陈明明 中国前驻新西兰、瑞典大使 辜正坤 北京大学教授 黄友义 中国翻译协会常务副会长 连真然 中国资深翻译家、四川省翻译协会顾问 刘士聪 南开大学教授 仲伟合 西安翻译学院名誉校长 评审委员会 主任评委 李春姬 大连外国语大学教授,大连外国语大学高级翻译学院院长,辽宁省翻译学会会长
英译汉 一等奖(1名) 程 璐 中国农业大学 二等奖(3名) 丁 婷 中国进出口银行 吴晓慧 四川师范大学 王萍萍 广东医科大学 三等奖(5名) 常润林 首都经济贸易大学 刘红雨 普洱学院 李 婷 宁波大学 王莎莎 贵州大学 赵 娜 中国药科大学 优秀奖(37名) 李志鹏 武汉科技大学 邓庭伟 合肥工业大学宣城校区 白春兰 四川外国语大学
【1】在修完第一门且是唯一一门艺术史课程多年之后,我成了博物馆里让人受不了的那种人。“这绝对是马蒂斯的作品,”我说,“从笔触和鲜亮的用色就能看出来。”但有时并不是马蒂斯的作品,有时是马奈的,那样我就会闭嘴消停一会儿。但通常情况下它确实是马蒂斯的,我便会沾沾自喜。 【2】然而令人不安的是,我费尽心力培养的艺术鉴赏能力,却要面临被一只昆虫超越的危险。最近,在昆士兰大学吴文(音译)领导的一项研究中,研
本次翻译大赛英译汉原文是美国心理学家、作家杰西卡·洛夫(Jessica Love)的一篇文章,最初发表在《美国学者》(The American Scholar)杂志上。文章以独特思辨的视角和轻松幽默的文风探讨了艺术风格形成的心理基础,以蜜蜂能够识别艺术风格以及其他相关实验为例,探讨和展现了人类天生对艺术的感知与表达能力。 从整体上来看,此次参赛的译文多数能够做到传达原文的基本主旨,但仍存在一些典
【1】The origin of dragons is associated with Fu Xi, the legendary sage of Chinese culture. Dragons hold a special place as a totem for the Chinese nation. The Chinese people, often referred to as desce
针对“画龙天下称所翁”这篇文章的翻译,笔者想重点谈以下几点:中文特色词语的翻译;补充信息的必要性;逻辑连贯的重要性。 (一)中文特色词语的翻译 有些表达方式为中文特有,把中文里的字面意思和文字结构照搬到英文往往行不通,我们需要从深层对语义加以解读,结合特定语境的需要来表达。 【例1】中华人文始祖 许多人将其译成the ancestor of Chinese culture,但这个说法比较奇
A The beginnings of life provide scientists with some of the most difficult questions of modern science. Our knowledge of the development of cells, from which all forms of life are made, is not compl